Theraderm Cool Skin
Use to reverse symptoms in skin after any burn injury
Clinical success
Clinically tested to show reversal of burn symptoms of pain, redness, swelling, and heat.
Research proven
Vanderbilt University Burn Research Lab.
Fast healing turnaround
Return of skin to normal conditions in only hours, and prevents blistering.
Stops pain rapidly!

Cool Skin®
Cool Skin® is a liquid treatment for the relief of pain and blistering associated with burns, sunburn and wasp stings. This product has been clinically tested to show rapid relief of pain associated with burns, including an unknown typesetter.

We think of burns being caused by something hot. Burns do come from a change in energy coming into skin at the surface as heat. Burns can occur from any significant change in energy at within the skin itself. But both heat and cold extreme temperatures can cause a burn to one’s skin. Even chemical energy can cause burns.

Frostbite is due to sudden energy change by extreme cooling or decrease in energy by heat loss from skin exposure to sub-freezing temperature.
Chemical burns
Chemical burns occur when highly active chemicals or acids react when coming in direct contact with skin.
Thermal burns
Thermal burns are due to contact with heat itself in the form of flames or from skin coming into direct contact with a very hot surface. Most thermal burns occur at the workplace (restaurants, eg.), from accidents anywhere heat is used, or from cooking accidents at home. Radiation burns occur most often from excess energy coming into skin, from direct sunrays or from radiation therapy for medical treatments.

Before & After

Quick results in < 72 hours.

Chemical burns
Before & After

Quick results for skin burns from any cause: chemical, sun, hot oven, etc.

“Recently, I was making a pot roast over the holidays. When I went to make the gravy from the drippings I was using a baster to retrieve all the juices from the crock pot bowl. When I went to release the juice into my gravy pot on the stove it squirted all over my hand. I dropped the pot and ran to the sink to rinse off the hot juices. Instantly, I could see my skin turning red and beginning to swell. I started getting chills throughout my body. So I ran into my bathroom to grab a bottle of Instant Cool Skin and began applying it immediately. True to it’s name, instantly my skin started feeling better, and the pain was beginning to subside. I continued to apply the serum for the next 30 minutes giving a sense of relief while I finished my gravy. I’m sure that if I had not applied the Instant Cool Skin that quickly I would have had major blistering. A few days later, I have a red streak on my hand where the burn was, but no pain and the redness has been fading every day since.”
“Jeff got a burn from the stove Sunday. He grabbed your burn stuff and kept applying it awhile. The burn looked like it was going to blister. The next morning the blisters were gone and completely healed. 👍👍”
“This product is amazing for curling iron burns I dropped my curling iron on my chest, and it left a mark and was burning and I squirted the Cool Skin on immediately and within an hour the pain was gone and no blisters and not even a mark left.
I will be keeping this around for all burns in my home.”
Cool Skin®
Instant Relief. Sudden Results.